Fresh Genoese pesto 80g

Marca: modo21
Reference: AA0007
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Pesto from Trattoria Cavour modo21 finally arrives at your doorstep!

The history of the recipe for this Genoese pesto goes back even before the trattoria opened in Piazza Cavour in Genoa: this recipe was passed down to us by Signora Alfonsina (mother of one of the owners of the trattoria) and was the same one she used to make with a mortar in her home, the same one that allowed her to become world champion of Genoese pesto at the age of 85.

The typical formats to use with pesto are: trofie (short pasta shaped like a shred), trenette (long pasta with an ovoid cross-section), potato gnocchi, and lasagne (to be dressed on the plate rather than cooked in the oven).

This 80-gram jar of fresh Genoese pesto is perfect for seasoning a generous portion of pasta.

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Size and weight 80 g
Servings 1 meal
Price per kilogram 52,50€
Somos de confianza:
  • visa
  • mastercard
  • maestro
  • paypal
  • bizum

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